Filing a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver Who Hit You

Filing a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver Who Hit You

Essential Steps for Filing a Lawsuit Against a Drunk Driver Who Hit You

When an individual is the victim of a drunk driving incident, the driver at fault is often punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, criminal court proceedings don’t provide you with the compensation you need to undergo medical treatment for your injuries, nor do they help you get by in the following years. This is why it’s definitely worth your time to consider filing a civil suit against the responsible party. These are some tips for filing a lawsuit against a drunk driver who hit you that may improve your settlement odds.

Pursue an Insurance Claim First

While it might be tempting to jump straight into your civil suit, these cases can be lengthy and messy depending on how much evidence you have. Therefore, it’s recommended that you file a claim with the other party’s insurance provider first. By law, all drivers are required to carry a minimum amount of car insurance that will cover damages in the event of a collision. As such, these funds are your best bet for obtaining a quick settlement.

Check the Driver’s Background

If the amount you gain from the other driver’s insurance provider isn’t enough to help with your injuries, you can then begin the process of filing a civil suit directly. This will require some research into the drunk driver’s background, including their previous driving record and whether they’ve been charged with the same crime in the past. Should the other party have a history of causing these types of incidents, your case will be much easier to prove.

Familiarize Yourself With No-Fault Laws

Another important tip for filing a lawsuit against a drunk driver who hit you is to educate yourself on any no-fault laws you could potentially come across. No-fault laws exist to protect the responsible party from bearing the full civil liability of an incident. Because of this, they could potentially make it more difficult to bring your civil suit against the drunk driver to court. Fortunately, only about a dozen states utilize no-fault laws, and even qualifying states still allow you to receive compensation for damages.

Hire Quality Legal Representation

As with any other type of injury case, hiring proper legal help is essential to getting the most out of your claim. This is because drunk driving injury lawyers know exactly what information they need to build a case and how to best present this information to a judge. These professionals also assist with filling out the necessary paperwork, so all you need to worry about is healing.

For assistance in tackling your drunk driver civil suit, reach out to Glasheen, Valles, and Inderman. Our team of attorneys has ample experience in handling claims that involve severe injuries and even death. As such, we know what it takes to get the settlement you need.