Uniting Against Tragedy: GVILAW Press Conference Sheds Light on the Devastating Consequences of Drinking and Driving

On June 26, 2023, a press conference brought together grieving families and GVILAW attorneys to address the devastating consequences of drinking and driving. Amidst the heartbreak, a sense of unity emerged among attendees, highlighting the importance of combating this issue. As the 4th of July approached, the event served as a emotional reminder to prioritize safety during festive celebrations and daily life.

The press conference, marked by somber tones, featured families bravely sharing their heartbreaking stories of losing loved ones or sustaining injuries from drunk driving incidents. Their emotional testimonies left an indelible impact, underscoring the irreversible consequences of a single wrong decision. However, within their pain, a powerful message of empowerment resonated—a resounding call to make responsible choices and prevent such tragedies from occurring.

“Drinking and driving is not just a risk—a choice that can devastate lives instantly. If you’ve been injured or have lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident, remember that justice and compensation are not just options, but rights you deserve,” stated GVILAW attorney, Laney Piercy.

The press conference served as a crucial platform for grieving clients and families to unite and confront the devastating consequences of drinking and driving. Through heartfelt stories and the unwavering commitment of GVILAW attorneys, the event shed light on the immense importance of taking a stand against this issue. It resonated with a clear message: safety should be prioritized during celebratory events like the 4th of July and every single day. By fostering unity, empowering individuals, and seeking justice, we can strive to create a future where the tragic impact of drinking and driving becomes a thing of the past.


GVILAW attorneys and families share their devastating stories of loss after a horrific wreck by a drunk driver in El Paso, Texas
GVILAW attorneys and families share their devastating stories of loss after a horrific wreck by a drunk driver in El Paso, Texas