GVILAW Lubbock Concert Giveaway
This giveaway has closed.
Este sorteo ya ha cerrado.
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¡Manténgase conectado! ¡Síganos para próximos sorteos de conciertos!
The winner will be contacted directly by GVILAW. We will never reach out via Facebook Messenger or other social media platforms. Be cautious of spam and fake accounts.
El ganador será contactado directamente por GVILAW. Nunca nos comunicaremos a través de Facebook Messenger u otras plataformas de redes sociales. Tenga cuidado con el spam y las cuentas falsas.
Glasheen, Valles & Inderman Injury Lawyers is a leading personal injury law firm serving Texas and New Mexico. With over 35 years of experience, we specialize in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases, consistently achieving significant results for our clients.
Our firm is dedicated to providing aggressive representation and ensuring justice for those affected by severe accidents. We prioritize client communication and case efficiency, making ourselves accessible to clients at all times.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident, call one of our attorneys today for a free consultation. At GVILAW, we’re committed to fighting for our clients and their families.